Marathon Infinity screenshots

Marathon Infinity

Marathon® Infinity takes the closed universe of the Marathon series and blows it wide open. The solo/co-op campaign, “Blood Tides of Lh’owon,” is a 20-level scenario sporting new textures, weapons, and aliens. More than that, the scenario sheds a surprising new light on the story’s characters and the meaning of events. Having defeated the Pfhor and reawakened the ancient remnants of the S’pht, the player now faces a world where friends become enemies and all is not what it seems…

Marathon Infinity is the most popular Marathon game in online play, and is compatible with hundreds of community-made maps. This release includes the classic graphics, and revamped high-definition textures and weapons.


Mac OS X Download Marathon Infinity for Mac OS X
Windows Download Marathon Infinity for Windows
Linux Download Marathon Infinity flatpak

Marathon Infinity is just one of the many games you can play with Aleph One. If you already have a copy of the Aleph One application, you can download the standalone Marathon Infinity game files for use with Aleph One 1.1 or later.

Download the GPL-licensed source code.

alephone.lhowon.org is hosted by lhowon.org and mirrored at aleph-one-marathon.github.io

BUNGIE™, DESTINY™, MARATHON® and the Bungie, Destiny, and Marathon logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Bungie, Inc., used with permission.